• How Spring Cleaning Can Improve Your Mental Health

    As spring approaches, you might be urged to thoroughly clean your home. Known as “spring cleaning,” this ritual commonly involves removing items you no longer need and paying attention to areas you often miss during regular cleaning sessions (for example, your baseboards, grout, and window treatments).

    Spring cleaning offers numerous physical benefits—in addition to providing a workout, it can help rid your home of dust, mildew, pet dander, pollen, and pollutants. But did you know that spring cleaning can also improve your mental health? Here’s how:

    • It helps you focus. When the environment around you is chaotic, it can make it difficult to focus on tasks (which can be especially frustrating if you work from home). By removing clutter and organizing your belongings, you’ll be making it easier for yourself to concentrate.
    • It reduces stress. If you’ve had certain tasks on your to-do list for quite a while, constantly seeing reminders of them not being done can raise your stress levels. Once you check those items off your list, it will make relaxing at home easier.
    • It helps you sleep. If your spring cleaning routine includes washing your bedding, vacuuming your mattress, and organizing your dressers and nightstands, it can make it easier for you to get a good night’s rest, which can, in turn, boost your mood and help you focus and remember things.

    Speak to a Therapist

    While spring cleaning can often be a great first step toward improving your mental health, sometimes you need extra help. An experienced therapist can help you address any areas in which you’re struggling and achieve a better quality of life overall. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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